[{"fields": {"is_featured": false, "dir_size": 3212, "igdata": "a simple mind map with freemind before beginning, please note that this presentation is best viewed fullscreen. to change to fullscreen please click the fullscreen button located at the bottom right corner of this player. this is freemind an open source mind mapping application available at http://freemind.sourceforge.net/ to begin your first, simple mind map, select the file menu. select the new menu item. double-click the new mindmap center node. enter some text and press the enter key. select the insert menu select the new child node menu item. a new child node appears in the map, ready for text entry. enter some text and press the enter key. click the root (that is main) node. a second method for adding a new child node is to press the enter key on the keyboard. a new child node appears in the map, ready for text entry. enter some text and press the enter key. click the root node, then press the insert key. enter some text and press the enter key. click the root node, then press the insert key. enter some text and press the enter key. another method for entering items to the map is to select the insert menu... ...then select the new sibling node menu item. a new sibling node is created. as before add your text. to move nodes to a new parent, press and hold the shift key while clicking the desired nodes... ...once selected, hold the mouse key down and hover over the desire parent node, then release... ... the map items are moved. you can add a bubble to your map by clicking the cloud button. the cloud appears. this is only the beginning of many things that can be recorded with this outstanding, open-source (read free), application. enjoy! <br/>", "overdue_email_after": false, "fail_retake": false, "keywords": "mind map, freemind", "fail_action": "", "notification_email": false, "access_token_redemption_count": 0, "completion_type": "", "title": "A Simple Mind Map with Freemind", "overdue_email_after_text": null, "encoded_id": "95qCacNugY", "is_viewed": true, "overdue_days_email": false, "parent_id": null, "private_views": 0, "fail_email_text": null, "status": "active", "sharing": "public", "description": "How to start creating a mind map with some of the basic features of Freemind.", "tags": [195, 196], "price": "0.00", "invite_message": null, "allow_score_reset": true, "igtype": "ignitable", "pass_email_text": null, "fail_popup_text": null, "podcast": false, "public_views": 4919, "notification_email_text": null, "categories": [13], "overdue_days_email_text": null, "pass_action": "", "notification_days_before": null, "access_token": null, "pass_popup_text": null, "pass_level": 0, "author": 67, "completion_date": null, "overdue_summary": false, "fail_retake_auto": false, "avgrating": "0.0", "directory": "201_1197567956765", "date_created": "2007-12-13T12:45:56Z", "access_token_limit": 0}, "model": "Content.ignitable", "pk": 201}]