[{"fields": {"is_featured": false, "dir_size": 17016, "igdata": "creating a project tree creating a new project adding team members creating workflows adding tasks side tool bar features thank you! welcome to this tutorial on vinyasamt 2.0, the cutting edge, web-based application that manages projects, data and communication. welcome to this tutorial on vinyasamt 2.0, the cutting edge, web-based application, that manages projects, data and communication. in the following slides, we will begin to describe some of the critical features of our secure 'project management' application. with this product, companies can greatly reduce engineering and program management costs as they increase efficiency and organization. so let's get started by logging in. click with a simple user name... and password, you're ready to begin. click upon logging in, you will be taken directly to the welcome page or as some call it, the "dashboard". here you get a quick glimpse of information important to you. information like... project overviews... open issues... upcoming milestones... tasks that have been assigned to you... and the tasks that you have assigned to others. now let's go to the explorer page. in the explorer page you can view all of the different projects that you are a part of. furthermore, there are many filtering mechanisms that enable you to be very specific when searching for information, including projects... parts... revisions... workflows... tasks, and more. creating a new project creating a new project now that we've viewed some important information, let's add a new project. in the "add project" page, you set parameters to the project, including the name of the project... click the industry it is associated with... click your customer... model year... and a brief description you can even attach 3d data, 2d drawings or other documents for reference to the project. click for this project we will assign someone other than ourself to be the project manager. click if the project manager or other team member is already in your data base, you can just select them from the list. click click adding team members adding team members when adding team members, you can select individuals or even groups. click click click click click in vinyasamt, your team members may include employees, suppliers, customers, consultants or even competitors. obviously, restrictions to information is vital. that is why vinyasamt has strict privilege restrictions at the "project" level... "workflow" level... and "task" level. one last thing we'll do at the project level is create some "milestones". milestones are very important to the gantt chart reporting. to create a milestone, just give it a title... a due date... and a brief description. click pause click pause click so, here is a snapshop of our project. it includes all the information we input. including the team members... milestones... parts... open issues... and any workflows and tasks that have been created. now that our project is set up, let's create a workflow. creating workflows creating workflows to create a workflow, just give it a title... select the business vertical it pertains to... click and a brief description of the workflow. workflows should be associated to one or more milestones. this is important when producing a project gantt chart. click click pause this is a quick view of a typical gantt chart created from the left hand tool bar. another great feature in vinyasamt is the "workflow template" component. here you can develop, store, modify and reuse corporate process workflows to save time and minimize error. adding tasks adding tasks from the view workflow page you can do many things but our main objective is to assign tasks to team members. let's go ahead and assign a new task. here is where the bulk of the work gets done. as a leader, manager, engineer or customer, when you assign a task, vinyasamt sends an automatic email that includes a hyperlink to this secure site. a section of the "add task" page enables the creator to include a "checklist". as a verification of completion, this checklist must be completed before the task can be marked "complete". like workflow and task templates, these checklists are customizable and saved as reusable templates. at that point, the responsible party is linked to this page and has clear and full direction to begin his or her critical part of the project. notice the "log new task entry" this is where any team member can collaborate with other team members about this specific task or part. he or she just clicks on the collaboration balloon.... and adds new comments, information, direction, or even add attachments. the progress bar gives an approximation of how far along the task is. another great way to collaborate at a project level is to utilize the "instant collaboration". much like a chat room, you can talk real time to anyone on the project, and even attach new documents. within vinyasamt you can preschedule these collaborations, and when through with this session, they are saved as an entry... available to revisit at any time. side tool bar features side tool bar features other great features in the left hand column of vinyasamt are the reporting functions. lets start with the "time summery report". here is where you can view every hour spent on any project, workflow or task. time sheet reporting... and file transfer summary's. all of which are formated for easy printing. perhaps the most valuable page (or view) is the "my tasks" page. here, team members can view the tasks they are responsible for, and the tasks they have assigned. a file cabinet is automatically associated to each project as well. by clicking on the "file cabinet" view, team members can systemmatically veiw any 3d data, 2d drawings, process documents, lite models, quality documents and more. there are many other valuable features in vinyasamt. as the developer of this product advanced design resources provides product design services and direct pdm connectivity to the u.s. based oems. please contact us at 248.371.1820 or by going to www.adrintl.com for more information. there are many other valuable features in vinyasamt. as the developer of this product advanced design resources provides product design services and direct pdm connectivity to the u.s. based oems. please contact us at 248.371.1820 or by going to www.adrintl.com for more information. there are many other valuable features in vinyasamt. as the developer of this product advanced design resources provides product design services and direct pdm connectivity to the u.s. based oems. please contact us at 248.371.1820 or by going to www.adrintl.com for more information. <br/>", "overdue_email_after": false, "fail_retake": false, "keywords": "project management, workflow, adr international, tasks, milestones", "fail_action": "", "notification_email": false, "access_token_redemption_count": 0, "completion_type": "", "title": "Vinyasa MT 2.0 Tutorial", "overdue_email_after_text": null, "encoded_id": "0nj2fB1zdi", "is_viewed": true, "overdue_days_email": false, "parent_id": null, "private_views": 0, "fail_email_text": null, "status": "active", "sharing": "public", "description": "All of the new and improved features of vinyasamt.", "tags": [43, 44, 45, 46, 47], "price": "0.00", "invite_message": null, "allow_score_reset": true, "igtype": "ignitable", "pass_email_text": null, "fail_popup_text": null, "podcast": false, "public_views": 5250, 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