[{"fields": {"is_featured": false, "dir_size": 2172, "igdata": "guide curves creating an edge fillet click the guide arrow to start this exercise. select the swept surface icon. select explicit profile button. click profile. click guide curve. notice that profile and the guide curve are now populated. select ok to confirm. notice the swept surface result. select edge fillet icon. select first edge to be filleted. select the second edge to be filleted. finally, select the top surface to be filleted. select ok to confirm. congratulation, you have successfully created a swept surface with an edge fillet. <br/>", "overdue_email_after": false, "fail_retake": false, "keywords": "CATIA, Design, Surface, Surface Design, Engineering", "fail_action": "", "notification_email": false, "access_token_redemption_count": 0, "completion_type": "", "title": "CATIAV5 Explicit Swept Surface", "overdue_email_after_text": null, "encoded_id": "BL7sTwj5Z9", "is_viewed": true, "overdue_days_email": false, "parent_id": null, "private_views": 0, "fail_email_text": null, "status": "active", "sharing": "public", "description": "During this tutorial you will learn how to create a swept surface using the Swept Surface command located in the Generative Shape Design Work Bench.", "tags": [24, 25, 27, 161, 162], "price": "0.00", "invite_message": null, "allow_score_reset": true, "igtype": "ignitable", "pass_email_text": null, "fail_popup_text": null, "podcast": false, "public_views": 9719, "notification_email_text": null, "categories": [], "overdue_days_email_text": null, "pass_action": "", "notification_days_before": null, "access_token": null, "pass_popup_text": null, "pass_level": 0, "author": 5, "completion_date": null, "overdue_summary": false, "fail_retake_auto": false, "avgrating": "0.0", "directory": "162_1196889615473", "date_created": "2007-12-05T16:20:15Z", "access_token_limit": 0}, "model": "Content.ignitable", "pk": 162}]