[{"fields": {"is_featured": false, "dir_size": 3960, "igdata": "home made light tent welcome to this ignitable on making a home made light tent! if you've ever wondered how to get professional-looking product shots, still lifes and instructive images, the light tent is your answer! first, we will build a simple frame from pvc piping you can get at your local home store. credit goes to eyefetch.com for the basic design and dimensions for the frame. once cut and assembled, the peices will look like this. don't glue any joints that you don't see already assembled here. it will make it easier to store and transport. here are the materials you will need for the proejct. right click on this image and select print to get your shopping list. now, using a simple hacksaw, cut the pvc tubing to the lengths you see here. again, right click to print so you can take this to your work area. here is where the 22 inch peices will go. they are glued to the "tee" joints as shown using standard pvc cement. here is where the four 2 inch peices are used. they are glued to the "tee" joints and the 90 degree "elbow" joints as shown. these are the two 24 inch pieces that are used as the upper crossbar support for the frame. do not glue these to anything. finally, the four 17 inch peices that are used as the legs for the frame. again, don't glue them to anything. now, gently slide the four legs in to the 90 degree elbow joints... and gently fit the 24" crossbars in to the tee joints as shown. do not try to push the joints together firmly. this will make it very difficult to unassemble later. now, unfold one of the sheets, and place it under the frame. then, hang a backdrop as shown from a regular pants hanger from your closet. the backdrop should gently curve towards the front as shown. place the product or item you wish to photograph on the craft paper. the light tent will work best if illuminated with florescent bulbs. 100 watt incadescent equivalents work very well. you may already have a couple of desk lamps around, so use them if you wish. now, drape the second sheet over the frame, and place the two lamps on either side as shown. important note: the florescent bulbs are also advantageous because they will not generate enough heat to burn anything. if you use regular light bulbs, be very careful as to where you place them so as to not cause a fire! here is a sample shot. notice the nice even lighting around the product, and the background is nice and smooth. the background is easy to clip out using photoshop or another image editing tool if you wish. try different color papers, and experiment with the positions of the lights. try to avoid using the camera's built in flash. turn it off if you can. these images were taken with an external flash on top of the camera, which was pointed at the ceiling in the room, outside the light tent. add more desklamps if your camera has a built in forward-facing flash so you can turn the flash off, and just shoot using natural light. i hope you've enjoyed this ignitable. have fun! <br/>", "overdue_email_after": false, "fail_retake": false, "keywords": "soft box, light box, photography, lighting, photoshop, camera, ebay", "fail_action": "", "notification_email": false, "access_token_redemption_count": 0, "completion_type": "", "title": "Home Made Light Tent", "overdue_email_after_text": null, "encoded_id": "BpHT5mWNVq", "is_viewed": true, "overdue_days_email": false, "parent_id": null, "private_views": 0, "fail_email_text": null, "status": "active", "sharing": "public", "description": "<p align=left>Ever wonder how photographers create professional pictures of product shots, still lifes, and eBay product shots? The answer is the light tent. You can buy one if you want, or you can make one for less than us $30! <a href=\"http://www.cafepress.com/light_tent\">Get Light Tent Gear Here!</a></p>", "tags": [64, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85], "price": "0.00", "invite_message": null, "allow_score_reset": true, "igtype": "ignitable", "pass_email_text": null, "fail_popup_text": null, "podcast": false, "public_views": 32864, "notification_email_text": null, "categories": [], "overdue_days_email_text": null, "pass_action": "", "notification_days_before": null, "access_token": null, "pass_popup_text": null, "pass_level": 0, "author": 3, "completion_date": null, "overdue_summary": false, "fail_retake_auto": false, "avgrating": "5.0", "directory": "45_1194291847435", "date_created": "2007-11-05T00:00:00Z", "access_token_limit": 0}, "model": "Content.ignitable", "pk": 45}]