[{"fields": {"is_featured": false, "dir_size": 18232, "igdata": "creating an account logging in to your account playing an ignitable creating ignitables - download ignite creating an ignitable adding slides to an ignitable uploading an ignitable to ignitecast.com adjust the settings for your ignitable welcome to this introduction to using ignitecast.com, where you show what you know! this ignitable will provide you with the basic knowledge you need to get started. welcome to this introduction to using ignitecast.com, where you show what you know! this ignitable will provide you with the basic knowledge you need to get started. the ignitecast.com site is organized for easy access to the knowledge deposited by the ignitecast.com community. you can freely search and browse ignitables without even creating an account! however, if you want to view content that has been privately shared to you, or if you want to build your own ignitables, you'll need to create an account. begin by selecting "sign up." enter your real first and last name. this is for your purposes only, and will not be displayed to anyone else. enter a display name (or nickname) here. this is the name you will be known as to others on the site. enter your primary email address here. important note: use an email address that is a working address, and is one that you have access to. you will need to access your email to activate your ignitecast.com account. choose a suitable password. note that it must be at least 5 characters long, and it is case sensitive. if you wish, enter your favorite website and a brief biography here so others can learn more about you. now, choose whether other ignitecast.com users will be able to view your website and / or biographical information. then, check here to agree to the terms and conditions for the use of ignitecast.com. be sure to review the terms and conditions by clicking on the text before you check that you agree. then, submit your account information by clicking on "register." hold on! you're not done yet! you must now access your email to activate your account. there will be a link in the email for you to click on in order to activate. this is a security measure to insure that you are the actual owner of the email account you chose during registration. once you have activated your account by email, click on "login" to begin using ignitecast.com! enter the your email address and the password you chose here, then press "login." remember, the password is case sensitive. upon successful login, you will be taken to "my ignitecast" which is your account home. if anyone has shared ignitables directly to you, you will find them here. you can also browse the categories to see other ignitables. searching for ignitables is easy! just enter what you wish to find in the search box... and press "search." the search results are displayed, and you can now choose which ignitable you wish to view. click on the title of the ignitable for more details. to view an ignitable, you can choose to watch in the mini player window... or you can view fullscreen. fullscreen is useful when the content of the ignitable is hard to watch in a small window, especially if there is text you wish to read on the slides. we will watch in the mini player. press "play in this window" to begin. once the ignitable begins to play, you can skip forward by using this button. you can pause playback here. to skip backwards, press this button. press here to hide the text box. this will take you to a list of the slides so you can navigate directly to a particular slide or section. you can switch between the mini player and fullscreen at any time by pressing this button. control the audio volume by sliding this control. mute and un-mute the audio using this button. you can search the ignitable for specific content by using this function. if you need more help with the player controls, select the ? button. at any time, you may return to the ignitecast.com home page by clicking on the ignitecast.com logo. this will stop playback of any ignitable you are presently viewing. there you go! feel free to browse around and find ignitables that interest you. the next section will show you how to create and upload your own ignitables. go ahead and give it a try... it's free! in order to create and upload ignitables, you will first need to download the ignite desktop software. begin by clicking on "download ignite." in order to create and upload ignitables, you will first need to download the ignite desktop software. begin by clicking on "download ignite." now, select "download now." when prompted by windows, select "save." do not select run, as errors may occur with your installation. now, choose a location for the downloaded file. then press "save." and the file download will begin. once the download has finished, there will be a new file in the location you chose. click on it to begin installation. select "run" when prompted, and follow the remainder of the installation steps. if you are not an administrator of the machine on which you wish to install, contact your administrator for assistance. once the installation is complete, you will see the ignite icon on your desktop. congratulations! you are ready to create your own ignitables. to start, click on the ignite icon on your desktop. ignite will launch, and you will see this screen. click on "create new" to begin. enter a name for your ignitable. now, enter a brief description of your ignitable here... then open it by clicking here. add slides by selecting this button. there are many ways to add slides to an ignitable. you can take a series of screen shots by using this option. you can import powerpoint slides, images, movies and more by selecting "from media." by selecting "from media" you are presented with the ability to import digital pictures... import movies... import a powerpoint file... or capture video from your webcam. for today, we will import a powerpoint file. note that you can always add more slides using any of the other options at any time. ignitables can consist of any combination of screen shots, movies, images, powerpoint slides and more! once you have selected the powerpoint file to import, you will see that all of the slides have been added to your ignitable. for each slide, add narrative text here. the text will inform viewers what you wish to communicate about this slide, and it will serve as a script for recording audio. also for each slide, add a recorded audio clip from your microphone. press record, and begin speaking in to your microphone. press stop to stop recording. then press finish when you are done recording audio for the slide. add text and audio for the remaining slides, and you are ready to upload! after you have completed your ignitable, press "upload" to add it to the ignitecast.com site. enter the email address you used to create your ignitecast.com account here. enter your ignitecast.com password here. then, be sure to check that you have the right to distribute the content distributed with your ignitable, and that it does not violate the ignitecast.com terms of use. then press "upload!" once the ignitable has been successfully uploaded, you can proceed directly to your account by choosing "yes." log in to your ignitecast.com account... and click on "my ignite library." you will see the ignitable that you just uploaded at the top of your list. click on the edit / share icon to finish setting up your ignitable. the name and description you chose earlier is found here. you can change it now or later if you wish. if desired, choose some additional keywords or phrases that will help others find your ignitable if you choose to make it public. you can choose up to three categories for your ignitable. hold down the ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking to select more than one. by default, your ignitable is not shared with anyone ("off"). choose "public" if you want to make your ignitable viewable to others that visit ignitecast.com. semi-private and private are two other options that are described more fully in the ignitecast.com help section. go there for more information. scroll down your screen... and press "save" to commit your changes. you can edit all of these settings again at a later time if you wish. and now your ignitable is fully published and available to others at ignitecast.com!!! visitors can find your ignitable by searching on keywords... and selecting your ignitable from a list of matches. visitors can also browse the ignitecast.com categories... or browse the recently added, most popular, and highest rated tabs on the home page. that's all for now, but you can find much more information in the help section at ignitecast.com. thank you for viewing this ignitable. please visit our site often! thank you for viewing this ignitable. please visit our site often! <br/>", "overdue_email_after": false, "fail_retake": false, "keywords": "tutorial, ignite, getting started, uploading", "fail_action": "", "notification_email": false, "access_token_redemption_count": 0, "completion_type": "", "title": "Introduction to igniteCAST.com!", "overdue_email_after_text": null, "encoded_id": "Tm6oIekRVd", "is_viewed": true, "overdue_days_email": false, "parent_id": null, "private_views": 0, "fail_email_text": null, "status": "active", "sharing": "public", "description": "This ignitable will show you how to create your igniteCAST.com account. 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