[{"fields": {"is_featured": false, "dir_size": 812, "igdata": "\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n", "overdue_email_after": false, "fail_retake": true, "keywords": "", "fail_action": "both", "notification_email": false, "access_token_redemption_count": 0, "completion_type": "passfail", "title": "10 Case Study - Induction Brazing of Aluminum Heat Exchanger", "overdue_email_after_text": "", "encoded_id": "gK9t0cve5E", "is_viewed": true, "overdue_days_email": false, "parent_id": null, "private_views": 0, "fail_email_text": "You have not passed.", "status": "active", "sharing": "public", "description": "Problem Description - Part: Aluminum heat exchanger- Operation: Brazing of a pipe to a short tube previously brazed to the heat exchanger header in a furnace - Equipment: All equipment including 60 kW, 10-30 kHz power supply, part handling system and control system with IR pyrometers already existed- Problems: Insufficient brazed joint depth -> Inconsistent process resulting in leakage and other defects- Variables:-> Limited coil type modification-> Coil dimensions-> Coil positioning-> Magnetic controller dimensions", "tags": [], "price": "0.00", "invite_message": "", "allow_score_reset": true, "igtype": "ignitable", "pass_email_text": "Congratulations! You have passed!", "fail_popup_text": "You have not passed.", "podcast": false, "public_views": 4981, "notification_email_text": "", "categories": [12], "overdue_days_email_text": "", "pass_action": "both", "notification_days_before": null, "access_token": null, "pass_popup_text": "Congratulations! You have passed!", "pass_level": 60, "author": 1253587, "completion_date": null, "overdue_summary": true, "fail_retake_auto": true, "avgrating": "0.0", "directory": "lsYmB9qMRK", "date_created": "2019-05-30T20:26:59Z", "access_token_limit": 0}, "model": "Content.ignitable", "pk": 3293}]