[{"fields": {"is_featured": true, "dir_size": 2036, "igdata": "getting kids to eat fruits and vegetables as an adult, you probably understand the benefits of eating healthily. but many kids mostly understand only the bad taste at first! getting them started can be a challenge. but with some early intervention, you can lead your children down the path of a healthy lifestyle! first of all start early and offer fruits and vegetables often. research shows that early and frequent exposure will improve their chances of developing a taste for healthy foods. set an example, you\u00e2\u20ac\u2122ve got to walk the walk and talk the talk. children learn behavior from their parents, and what foods to eat is just as much a behavior as natural tendency. maintain a healthy variety. don't try to work with one particular fruit or vegetable until they learn to eat it. mix it up a bit. don't force the issue. if you make the child "clear their plate" early on, you'll be giving them negative reinforcement, and the'll associate the healthy foods with a bad experience. finally, keep quantities small at first. like riding a bike, if you set them off up a big hill first, they will fail and may shy away from trying again. no doubt you'll have to experience this a few times before things go positively, but it's worth the effort! keep trying, and remember to keep offering the good stuff! <br/>", "overdue_email_after": false, "fail_retake": false, "keywords": "", "fail_action": "", "notification_email": false, "access_token_redemption_count": 0, "completion_type": "", "title": "Getting Kids to Eat Fruits And Vegetables", "overdue_email_after_text": null, "encoded_id": "xQ3Cp7eWnm", "is_viewed": true, "overdue_days_email": false, "parent_id": null, "private_views": 0, "fail_email_text": null, "status": "active", "sharing": "public", "description": "It is recommended that both kids and adults eat 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Here are a few tips to help you guide your children down the path of a lifetime of healthy habits.", "tags": [], "price": "0.00", "invite_message": null, "allow_score_reset": true, "igtype": "ignitable", "pass_email_text": null, "fail_popup_text": null, "podcast": false, "public_views": 9825, "notification_email_text": null, "categories": [2, 5, 16], "overdue_days_email_text": null, "pass_action": "", "notification_days_before": null, "access_token": null, "pass_popup_text": null, "pass_level": 0, "author": 3, "completion_date": null, "overdue_summary": false, "fail_retake_auto": false, "avgrating": "4.5", "directory": "125_1195597552643", "date_created": "2007-11-20T17:25:52Z", "access_token_limit": 0}, "model": "Content.ignitable", "pk": 125}]