[{"fields": {"is_featured": false, "dir_size": 3764, "igdata": "testing for radon do you have you any idea if you have radon gas in your home? 

you can't see it, smell it or taste it, but if you are being exposed to it, it can kill you. radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the usa and claims as many as 21,000 lives per year. radon is a naturally occurring gas that is released from uranium tainted soil and rocks. it seeps up from the ground and can enter your home environment through porous building materials or leaks in your foundation. 

to find out if you or your loved ones are being exposed to dangerous level of radon, here is a test that you can carry out at home. you can get a map of radon zones from the epa. 

just do a google search of epa map of radon. you can get a specific map of your state. assemble the things you'll need. these are included in a radon test kit. open the radon kit. 

chances are that you will probably need the scissors to cut through the difficult packaging. 

inside your kit, you should find: two test vials an information card

a pre-addressed envelope for the radon test lab and depending on the brand of kit you have bought, information about payment for the laboratory analysis find a place to conduct your test. the test zone should be where you spend a good amount of time. lock down. 

before you can get an accurate sample of the air in your home, you'll need to close all of your exterior doors and all of your windows. note you will have to keep them closed at least 12 hours prior to starting the test. do not use a kitchen or bathroom. if you have a basement, consider making that your test zone. position the vials in place. you'll need to find a surface about 20 inches off the floor to place your vials. place both vials 6 inches apart. use the measuring tape to make sure. remove the caps from each of the test vials. hurry up and wait. wait a minimum of 48 hours but no more than 96 hours (2 - 4 days) for your vials to take a sample of your air. do not disturb the vials. do not use your fireplace, open any windows, use any coolers (air-conditioning, evaporative coolers, swamp coolers) or operate any fans. try to avoid opening your doors as much as possible. put a lid on it. when enough time has passed, fill out the data card provided by the manufacturer. put the caps on the vials and put everything - including a lab fee if necessary - into the envelope provided by manufacturer of your kit. mail it. 

it is recommended that you mail your test vials within a day, if possible, so that the lab can get the most accurate results possible. read the results. 

the lab will either mail you your results make them accessible online within a couple of weeks. 

reading the results of your radon test might be confusing, however, the most important thing to understand is that the amount of radon in the air is measured in pico curies per liter of air (pci/l). the average indoor radon level is about 1.3 pico curies per liters of air. some experts believe 0.4 pico curies is ideal but most experts believe any level of radon is unsafe. however, if your test results come back as 4 pico curies or higher, you should get another kit and redo the test to make sure that your results were accurate. get radon active. 

if the results from your second test come back showing that you have a level of 4 pico curies or higher, the government recommends you take action to have your home fixed. 

one of the things that the epa recommends is the installation of a special vent pipe system and fan to divert radon from your residence.[2] get more information on radon from the environmental protection agency. 

visit the epa's website on radon. 

this will also provide you with any information you may need on either having a professional test or repairing your home, so that you can ensure you have a healthier home for you and your loved ones. you can also get a glossary of terms available on the epa site.

your family's safety should come first!

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