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Views: 3704
CJ Gozdor is a Senior at Clarkston High School. He was the OAA Red Division High Jump Champion and qualified for the Michigan State Championships in 2011. Please view his video resume.
Views: 3699
BuzTweet is web service that creates and broadcasts Social Media Campaigns to Twitter, Google Buzz, Facebook and LinkedIn. Campaigns are used for marketing, brand awareness, creating exposure and consistent communication of news and information. Your BuzTweet campaigns allow you to quickly create and simultaneously broadcast updates, posts or tweets (BuzTweets) to your social media accounts, while providing comparable results to pay per click, at a fraction of the cost and without the risk of click fraud.
Views: 3691
Cycle Time Management’s Lean Framework is the pathway for companies wishing to begin, to continue or to re-start their Lean Journey. The Lean Belt Training Program is 1 of the 9 sections that make up the Lean Framework and provides lean training for all employees or “The Pathway to Excellence”.
Views: 3689
We recognize the challenges of healthcare professionals to deliver quality patient care with limited financial resources. TRE is unique because we are able to anticipate obstacles and identify process improvements that eliminate procedure delays and impact quality patient care.Our mission is to become your partner by virtually eliminating instrument failures through dynamic service solutions that positively impact each step of your surgical instrument supply process.Visit our website at to learn more about how we can optimize your instrument management.
Views: 3676
We recognize healthcare executives are constantly challenged to balance shrinking capital budgets with the increasing demands for technology and replacements of basic capital equipment.QuixSilver1 immediately reduces capital expenditures and minimizes liability associated with dysfunctional equipment still in operation.Our program provides on-site repair and maintenance services for all stainless steel equipment (containing a latch, hinge, or wheel) that your in-house services do not repair. In addition to sterilizer cleaning services.Visit our website at to learn more.
Views: 3648
Fluxtrol Inc. is working intensively in promotion of induction technique via educational efforts (seminars, conferences), writing books, brochures and articles The latest development is a Multi-media Course of Induction Heating in the form of lectures with Internet access. It may be used for Learning, Teaching and Training.
Views: 3638
Traditional Scan Hardening Inductor Design. Temperature distribution at the end of dwell heating for 8 seconds at 1 kHz using standard inductor. Note: Best if viewed in fullscreen. Click Fullscreen, and double click the video for original source size video.
Views: 3632
This 2 minute lecture shares some ideas about the characteristics your ideal clients and partners will need to possess.
Views: 3629
If you want to combine text, graphics, audio, video and animation from existing files to create a Learning Podcast, ignite 4 professional is the tool you've been looking for! Podcasting is a better way to share information with others, and ignite 4 professional makes it easy for you to create your own multimedia training Podcasts!