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Views: 4031
Bill Clinton Speech Video DNC 2008 :Here is Bill Clinton’s speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention where he praised Barak Obama and blasted the Republicans.
Views: 5892
Hillary Clinton Speech DNC/Democratic National Convention Video:Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech was all about unity after an introduction by Chelsea Clinton.In Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech at the DNC/Democratic National Convention earlier to night,she said: "No way. No how. No McCain. Barack Obama is my candidate. And he must be our President."
Views: 4727
Ted Kennedy's Speech at Democratic ConventionSen. Ted Kennedy made a surprise appearance at the Democratic National Convention in Denver Monday evening, sending the party faithful into a frenzy. The ailing Kennedy recently underwent surgery and is suffering from brain cancer. "It is so wonderful to be here and nothing was going to keep me away from this special gathering tonight," Kennedy said, his voice strong and clear. Despite his bleak prognosis, he said he had this to say: "I pledge to you that I will be there next January on the floor of the United States Senate." Kennedy spoke out strongly in support of Barack Obama, comparing the presidential hopeful to his brother, slain U.S. president John F. Kennedy. "We are told that Barack Obama believes too much in an America of high principle and high endeavor," he said. "But when John Kennedy thought of going to the moon he didn't say, 'It's too far to get there, we shouldn't even try.'" "Today an American flag still marks the surface of the moon." A video tribute was planned for Kennedy but it wasn't clear he would be able to see it in person. He flew to Denver Sunday but doctors were said to be worried about his exposure to crowds because of his frail immune system. Kennedy has been at every convention except two in the last 48 years.
Views: 3777
Original Feed This is a rush transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," November 3, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: The Diageo/Hotline polled voters about the congressional election and found that, as of today, 44 percent plan on voting Democratic. Thirty-nine percent will cast their vote for a Republican. The poll indicating Democrats may be losing some support, as their lead is now only 5 percent as opposed to 8 a week ago. Joining us now is the host of the red hot "Huckabee." By the way, you had Lorne Michaels. You had Bill Maher — who by the way, hates me; I don't know what it is — on your program. It was a great show this weekend. Mike Huckabee, FOX News contributor, host of "Huckabee" right here on the FOX News Channel. What do you make of the brand issue, and that is that the Republican brand isn't as well? But it was like 20 points before, and now it's down to five. Is that — is that a sign something's going on? Maybe people not liking Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid?
Views: 4031
Bill Clinton Speech Video DNC 2008 :Here is Bill Clinton’s speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention where he praised Barak Obama and blasted the Republicans.
Views: 5892
Hillary Clinton Speech DNC/Democratic National Convention Video:Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech was all about unity after an introduction by Chelsea Clinton.In Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech at the DNC/Democratic National Convention earlier to night,she said: "No way. No how. No McCain. Barack Obama is my candidate. And he must be our President."
Views: 5892
Hillary Clinton Speech DNC/Democratic National Convention Video:Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech was all about unity after an introduction by Chelsea Clinton.In Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech at the DNC/Democratic National Convention earlier to night,she said: "No way. No how. No McCain. Barack Obama is my candidate. And he must be our President."
Views: 5892
Hillary Clinton Speech DNC/Democratic National Convention Video:Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech was all about unity after an introduction by Chelsea Clinton.In Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech at the DNC/Democratic National Convention earlier to night,she said: "No way. No how. No McCain. Barack Obama is my candidate. And he must be our President."
Views: 4727
Ted Kennedy's Speech at Democratic ConventionSen. Ted Kennedy made a surprise appearance at the Democratic National Convention in Denver Monday evening, sending the party faithful into a frenzy. The ailing Kennedy recently underwent surgery and is suffering from brain cancer. "It is so wonderful to be here and nothing was going to keep me away from this special gathering tonight," Kennedy said, his voice strong and clear. Despite his bleak prognosis, he said he had this to say: "I pledge to you that I will be there next January on the floor of the United States Senate." Kennedy spoke out strongly in support of Barack Obama, comparing the presidential hopeful to his brother, slain U.S. president John F. Kennedy. "We are told that Barack Obama believes too much in an America of high principle and high endeavor," he said. "But when John Kennedy thought of going to the moon he didn't say, 'It's too far to get there, we shouldn't even try.'" "Today an American flag still marks the surface of the moon." A video tribute was planned for Kennedy but it wasn't clear he would be able to see it in person. He flew to Denver Sunday but doctors were said to be worried about his exposure to crowds because of his frail immune system. Kennedy has been at every convention except two in the last 48 years.
Views: 4727
Ted Kennedy's Speech at Democratic ConventionSen. Ted Kennedy made a surprise appearance at the Democratic National Convention in Denver Monday evening, sending the party faithful into a frenzy. The ailing Kennedy recently underwent surgery and is suffering from brain cancer. "It is so wonderful to be here and nothing was going to keep me away from this special gathering tonight," Kennedy said, his voice strong and clear. Despite his bleak prognosis, he said he had this to say: "I pledge to you that I will be there next January on the floor of the United States Senate." Kennedy spoke out strongly in support of Barack Obama, comparing the presidential hopeful to his brother, slain U.S. president John F. Kennedy. "We are told that Barack Obama believes too much in an America of high principle and high endeavor," he said. "But when John Kennedy thought of going to the moon he didn't say, 'It's too far to get there, we shouldn't even try.'" "Today an American flag still marks the surface of the moon." A video tribute was planned for Kennedy but it wasn't clear he would be able to see it in person. He flew to Denver Sunday but doctors were said to be worried about his exposure to crowds because of his frail immune system. Kennedy has been at every convention except two in the last 48 years.