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Views: 4520
iPhone 3G - You Can Buy It But You Cant Use It.You would think that after six months of nearly nonstop iPhone hype, Apple would have been ready for the big day when it finally came. But soon after the iPhone 3G went on sale in the Eastern time zone this morning, Apple’s iTunes registration system collapsed, leaving buyers with unusable phones. Nearly four hours later, the systems were still down. The problems also prevented upgrades of original iPhones or the iPod Touch to the new version 2.0 software.There were also reports that AT&T activation was failing and that, contrary to announced policy, customers were being allowed to leave stores with unactivated phones. Computerworld reported problems in the UK, where carrier O2's Web-based activation process required the use of Microsoft's Windows-only Internet Explorer browser. Apple stores had to scramble to set up Windows virtual; machines on their Macs to get customers activated. All in all, a rough start for the biggest launch event since, well, the original iPhone launch a bit more than a year ago.
Views: 41608
Welcome to this brief presentation of how an automotive OEM or supplier can use MVV to quickly calculate (in CAD) the amount of visual obstruction a driver will encounter. This complies with SAE, FMVSS, Japanese and European vision criteria.
Views: 5907
Hi friends...this demo explains how to create a Google Adwords Starter Account. It is very easy...good luck!
Views: 35834
Welcome to this brief demonstration on how can help you share all of your multi-media content in minutes!
Views: 4007
This Ignitable will show you how to convert any video file to IPod mp4 format using YASA MP4 Video Converter.
Views: 13512
Hello. My name is Lil'Un and welcome to my grade 6 science project. I created this ignitable to show you how I built a working model of an isolated house foundation that can be used to reduce earthquake damage. Enjoy!
Views: 4816
During this tutorial you will learn the basics of CNC machining. This a virtual design of CNC Machining center.
Views: 11919
During this lesson you will be introduced to the Drafting Workbench available in CATIA V5. To see the entire CATIAV5 Generative Drafting Course go to
Views: 14301
During this lesson, you will learn how to create a new product in the CATIA V5 assembly workbench.To see the entire CATIAV5 Assembly Course go to