Tutorials & How-To Courses


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By Sizzler

Views: 8096

This Ignitable will walk you through the simple steps required to remove or delete a Facebook application or app from your account. This Ignitable was created using Scate Ignite 4 Standard, and broadcast via IgniteCAST.com. ( www.ScateIgnite.com  www.IgniteCAST.com ) Not affiliated with Facebook. Facebook® is a registered trademark of Facebook Inc.

By Sizzler

Views: 4463

In Ignite, background audio is simply a sound track that will play continuously "under" the audio on all slides.  You can add background audio to an Ignitable or a Lecture or an Interactive exercise by clicking on the "Background" button. Background audio is not available in quizzes.

By trendmatcher

Views: 3636

Een korte introductie van mijn weblog. Daarnaast probeer ik hiermee de mogelijkheden uit van Ignitecast.Wil je meer van me zien of weten, kijk dan op www.trendmatcher.nl

By Sizzler

Views: 5188

Easily one of the most common questions we receive is with regards to how to control slide timing. In this tip, we'll discuss the automatic timing features in Ignite and how you can use them to your advantage.

By ctakerian

Views: 4825

Quick and easy instructions for creating an "ignitable" account and have access to BRUNO Dealer Training.


Views: 4998

ScreenTweet.com tutorial for Japanese.With professional BGM and narration.


Views: 4200

ScreenTweet.com for Japan

By Sizzler

Views: 5740

This Ignitable describes how to share pictures, images and screenshots on Twitter using a new service called ScreenTweet.com. You can upload images from your computer, take screenshots of your PC, Mac or Linux machine, and even send pictures from your mobile cell phone!