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Views: 6006
SBWire, the small business online newswire, is pleased to announce the latest version of our online service, SBWire Spring ’09. In this new feature tour we will show you many of the new features SBWire Spring ’09 has to offer.For more information visit:
Views: 6005
When new brake pads are needed, they must be replaced within reasonable time. Most consumers make such timely repairs, but the brake pads currently used leave many drivers in doubt of the quality of their brake shoes, and some question the sincerity of their mechanics, as well. The Visual Wear Brake Pad can restore consumer confidence, and consumer auto safety, as well.
Views: 5995
Short video introduction of the Village of Lake Orion and a brief description. Produced by Nathan Quinn, Ironcore Media / Statewide Growth
Views: 5986
This Ignitable describes how to share pictures, images and screenshots on Twitter using a new service called You can upload images from your computer, take screenshots of your PC, Mac or Linux machine, and even send pictures from your mobile cell phone!
Views: 5956
Scientists involved in a historic "Big Bang" experiment to begin this week hope it will turn up many surprises about the universe and its origins -- but reject suggestions it will bring the end of the world.The world's most powerful particle accelerator will be launched on Wednesday (September 10) at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), based in Geneva. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is in an underground ring tunnel of 27 kilometres (17 miles) beneath the French-Swiss border. Scientists will recreate conditions just after what was known as "The Big Bang" by colliding two beams of particles at close to the speed of light in a bid to understand the origins of the universe. Critics say the $9 billion dollar project is a doomsday machine that could destroy the planet. They fear the experiment could generate black holes that could gobble up the earth - a theory CERN scientists reject.Helen Long reports from Reuters.
Views: 5939
This Ignitable describes how to share recruiting pictures, videos, sounds, images and screenshots on Twitter using a new service called You can upload pictures from your computer, YouTube videos, and even send pictures from your mobile cell phone!
Views: 5937
Introducing Pure Digital Flip Video HD Camcorder, the world's simplest HD camcorder. It lets you capture the everyday moments that happen anywhere in HD quality while making it easy to share your video with friends and family everywhere. So now, shooting video is as easy as taking a picture. And sharing is as easy as turning on your computer. Shoot anything! Share Everything.