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Views: 12580
With Scate Ignite 4 Standard edition, its simple to create dynamic sales and marketing presentations, by capturing your screen, combining with HD videos, importing digital photos, adding webcam recordings, inserting PowerPoint slides, narrating with your voice or background music and even adding a survey.
Views: 12491
I made this Ignitable to show how my Nana from Nottingham England makes English Beef Gravy from scratch. I hope you enjoy this century old recipe.
Views: 12344
With Scate Ignite 4 Home edition, its simple to create interactive social media such as home movies and slideshows, by capturing your screen, combining with HD videos, importing digital photos, adding webcam recordings, inserting PowerPoint slides and even narrating with your voice or background music.
Views: 12150
During Morgan State's 21-7 win over Winston-Salem State, the Bears' Baptiste made one of the greatest pass catches ever caught on tape.With the Bears' offense backed up into its own end zone, quarterback Carlton Jackson tosses the ball down the middle of the field. Baptiste leaps, extends one arm and manages to tuck the ball to his chest before landing on his back and doing a flip before coming to rest near the 38-yard line.For the whole story, go to
Views: 12148
These four commercials for Ameriquest Mortgage do a good job of emphasizing that things are not always what they seem... don't rush to judgment, don't judge a book by its cover, etc. These were supposedly aired during the 2005 Superbowl.The campaign was created by advertising agency DDB Los Angeles. On the DDB team were creative director Helene Cote, art directors Feh Tarty and Michael Mittelstaedt, copywriters Pat McKay and Josh Fell, and agency producer Vanessa McAdam.Production company Morton Jankel Zander (MJZ), provided director Craig Gillespie, director of photography Rodrigo Prieto, producer Deb Tietjen, and executive producers David Zander and Lisa Rich.Editor Haines Hall works with Spot Welders who host ‘Surprise Dinner.’Sound was designed by Tom Ozanich, while music was composed by Mikael Sandgren from Soundelux DMG.Postscript:Ameriquest in May 2006 decided to close all 229 retail branches and cut 3,800 jobs, in the wake of the subprime mortgage crisis. Apparently the company had taken the ‘We won’t judge too quickly’ approach too far. The parent company, ACC Capital Holdings, was bought by Citigroup in 2007.Link to original article.
Views: 11860
During this lesson you will be introduced to the Drafting Workbench available in CATIA V5. To see the entire CATIAV5 Generative Drafting Course go to
Views: 11617
If you want to add a horse to your bellasara, you need to log in first. Here is how.
Views: 11519
Puerto Los Cabos World Cup - World Class Fishing and Celebrity Golf Tournaments - October 8th-14th, 2009 - See Here to register
Views: 11323
To clip a segment of audio from a file, and then adding fade in and fade out is very simple using WavePad. WavePad is a well-appointed sound file editing application that is free to try, and well worth the $38 to buy if you like it.