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By thinktech

Views: 9364

The bar-tailed godwit, a plump shore bird, has blown the record for nonstop, muscle-powered flight right out of the sky. A study being published today reports that godwits can fly up to 7,242 miles nonstop in their annual fall migration from Alaska to New Zealand. The previous record, set by eastern curlews, was 4,000 miles from eastern Australia to China. The godwits flew for five to nine days, tracked by satellite. The birds weigh no more than 1.5 pounds when they leave. Half of that is fat, which they burn off completely during the flight. The route they take is the shortest and safest to fly. — The Washington Post.

By ignitecastsales

Views: 9349

Ignite 4 standard makes it easier than ever to share your video content on the web! Ignite's new H.264 High Definition (HD) support means that the quality of your videos is preserved with stunning Clarity! So why wait? Try ignite today!

By sprez

Views: 9325

During this tutorial you will learn how to create a swept surface using the Swept Surface command located in the Generative Shape Design Work Bench.

By sprez

Views: 9214

I created this tutorial to explain how to create Isometric Breakout Sections in CATIAV5r18. This is the drafting workbench method.

By sprez

Views: 9141

Dan Hawley's New Custom Kawie - What an awesome looking bike!

By tgoodwin

Views: 9115

Luxurious country lifelstyle and minutes from all the amenities in Oakland County!Where Everyday Stress Ends And Your Relaxation Begins!

By Sizzler

Views: 9033

Video of a tanker explosion under the 9 mile overpass at I-75. Will be closed for some time to come. Bridge collapsed on to highway.

By garyhii

Views: 8890

Puerto Los Cabos World Cup - World Class Fishing and Celebrity Golf Tournaments - October 8th-14th, 2009 - See Here to register

By 007

Views: 8863

Detroit, Michigan - Monday, November 24, 2008 -- Detroit Lions football practice was delayed nearly two hours this afternoon after a player reported finding an unknown white powder substance on the practice field. Head coach Rod Marinelli immediately suspended practice while police and federal agents were called in to investigate. Read on...

By 007

Views: 8833

(CNN) -- Barack Obama told supporters that "change has come to America" as he claimed victory in a historic presidential election. "The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America -- I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you -- we as a people will get there," Obama said in Chicago, Illinois, before an estimated crowd of up to 240,000 people. With Obama's projected win, he will become the first African-American to win the White House. Obama had an overwhelming victory over Sen. John McCain, who pledged Tuesday night to help Obama lead. Video Watch Obama pay tribute to McCain » "Today, I was a candidate for the highest office in the country I love so much, and tonight, I remain her servant," McCain said. McCain called Obama to congratulate him, and Obama told the Arizona senator he was eager to sit down and talk about how the two of them can work together. President Bush also called Obama to offer his congratulations. Bush told Obama he was about to begin one of the great journeys of his life, and invited him to visit the White House as soon as it could be arranged, according to White House spokeswoman Dana Perino. Obama will be working with a heavily Democratic Congress. Democrats picked up Senate seats in New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina and Virginia, among others. Read about the Senate races Don't Miss * Read Obama's victory speech * Read McCain's speech * Democrats pick up Senate seats * House Republicans lose seats * Complete video coverage "While the Democratic Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress," Obama said. Video Watch more on the balance of power » Flanked by American flags, Obama told the roaring crowd, "This is your victory." "To those Americans whose support I have yet to earn -- I may not have won your vote, but I hear your voices, I need your help, and I will be your president too," he said. Video Watch Obama tell voters 'all things are possible' » Supporters in Chicago cheering, "Yes, we can" were met with cries of "Yes, we did." More than 1,000 people gathered outside of the White House, chanting "Obama, Obama!" Sen. Hillary Clinton, Obama's former rival for the Democratic nomination, said in a statement that "we are celebrating an historic victory for the American people." Share your Election Day reaction with CNN "This was a long and hard fought campaign but the result was well worth the wait. Together, under the leadership of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and a Democratic Congress, we will chart a better course to build a new economy and rebuild our leadership in the world." Sen. Ted Kennedy said Americans "spoke loud and clear" in electing Obama. "They understood his vision of a fairer and more just America and embraced it. They heard his call for a new generation of Americans to participate in government and were inspired. They believed that change is possible and voted to be part of America's future," the Massachusetts senator said in a statement. As results came in Tuesday night, Obama picked up early wins in Pennsylvania and Ohio -- states considered must-wins for McCain. Obama also won Virginia, a state that has not voted for a Democratic president since 1964. Going into the election, national polls showed Obama with an 8-point lead. Voters expressed excitement and pride in their country after casting their ballots in the historic election. Poll workers reported high turnout across many parts of the country, and some voters waited hours to cast their ballots. Tuesday marks the end of the longest presidential campaign season in U.S. history -- 21 months. Obama, 47, will now begin his transition to the White House. He will be sworn in at the 44th president on January 20, 2009.obama, obama victory speech, obama speech, cnn, mccain concession speech